110 research outputs found

    An introduction to personalization and mass customization

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    Mass customization as a state-of-the-art production paradigm aims to produce individualized, highly variant products and services with nearly mass production costs. A major side-effect for companies providing complex products and services is that customers quite often get confused by the high variety and do not make a purchase. Personalization technologies can help to alleviate the challenges of mass customization. These technologies support customers in specifying products and services that fit their wishes and needs in a fashion where decision and interaction efforts with sales support systems are significantly reduced. We provide a short overview of related research and the articles that are part of this special issue on Personalization and Mass Customization.Peer reviewe

    Stark effect and polarizabilities of hydrogen with path integral Monte Carlo method

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    Ulkoisen sähkökentän vaikutusta kvanttimekaaniseen kuvaukseen mallinnetaan käyttämällä polarisoituvuutta, jonka eri komponentit kuvaavat myös aineen optisia ominaisuuksia. Näistä staattinen dipolipolarisoituvuus α sekä hyperpolarisoituvuudet β, γ, ... liittyvät keskeisesti Stark-ilmiöön eli ominaistilojen energiaspektrin silpoutumiseen sähkökentässä. Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan äärellisen sähkökentän simuloimiseen ja staattisten polarisoituvuuksien laskemiseen liittyvää problematiikkaa, jota lähestytään ensimmäistä kertaa suoraan äärellisessä lämpötilassa käyttämällä polkuintegraali-Monte Carlo -menetelmää (PIMC). Sähkökentän kuvaaminen käsitellään yksityiskohtaisesti ja sitä sovelletaan Finite field -periaatteella neljään eri vetysysteemiin: H, H− , H+ ja H2 . Menetelmä toimii luotettavasti, ja saadut tulokset vastaavat tunnettuja staattisten polarisoituvuuksien arvoja erinomaisesti sekä adiabaattisissa että ei-adiabaattisissa tapauksissa. Lisäksi merkittävä äärellisen lämpötilan vaikutus havaitaan vetymolekyyleillä, joilla rotaatio- ja vibraatiotilojen osuudet ovat suuret. Laskentakapasiteetin riittäessä PIMC-menetelmä voidaan todeta suoraviivaiseksi keinoksi staattisten polarisoituvuuksien kuvaamiseen ja laskemiseen äärellisissä lämpötiloissa myös niissä tapauksissa, joissa perinteiset menetelmät osoittautuvat työläiksi.The effects of external electric field upon quantum mechanical system is modeled by using polarizability, whose different components account for the optical properties media, also. Static dipole polarizability α and hyperpolarizabilities β, γ, ... are essentially related to Stark effect, i.e., splitting of eigenstate spectra of energy in electric field. This research is focused on quantum simulations with finite electric field and on calculation of the static polarizabilities. Path integral Monte Carlo (PIMC) method is employed to approach them for the first time directly at finite temperature. The description of finite electric field is studied in detail and applied to four different Hydrogen systems: H, H− , H+ and H2 . The method proves to be reliable and yields excellent agreement to known values of polarizabilities in both adiabatic and non-adiabatic simulations. Furthermore, considerable finite temperature effects are observed within rotational and vibrational eigenstates of hydrogen molecules. Given sufficient computational resources, PIMC method is discovered as a straightforward means of describing and computing static polarizabilities at finite temperature, where traditional methods become laborous

    Thermal Effects in Atomic and Molecular Polarizabilities with Path Integral Monte Carlo

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    Väitöskirja käsittelee polarisoituvuutta ja erilaisia keinoja sen laskemiseksi polkuintegraali–Monte Carlo -menetelmällä (PIMC). Polarisoituvuus on kvanttimekaaninen suure, joka vastaa sähköistä suskeptibiliteettiä: se kuvaa atomien ja molekyylien vastetta sähkökenttään. Staattiset ja dynaamiset multipoli-polarisoituvuudet ovatkin yksiä tärkeimmistä elektronien vasteominaisuuksista ja näin ollen monikäyttöisiä parametrejä fysikaalisessa mallinnuksessa. Polarisoituvuuksien äärimmäisen tarkka laskeminen on kuitenkin haasteellista. Väitöskirjassa keskitytään siksi muutamaan erityiseen ongelmaan: tarkkaan monen kappaleen korrelaatiokuvaukseen, ei-adiabaattisiin efekteihin sekä lämpötilan vaikutuksiin.Tässä työssä polarisoituvuuksien laskemista tarkastellaan ei-relativistisesti Feynmanin polkuintegraalien ja termisten tiheysmatriisien avulla. Sähkökentän ja sähköisten multipolien välinen vuorovaikutus kytketään kausaalisiin korrelaatiofunktioihin sekä epälineaarisen vasteen teoriaan. Uusi tieteellinen ansio muodostuu muutamasta erilaisesta keinosta määrittää polarisoituvuus PIMC-laskuista: äärellisen kentän simulointi, staattiset kenttä-derivaatan estimaattorit, sekä imaginääriajan korrelaatiofunktioiden analyyttinen jatkaminen. Vaadittu Matsubara-taajuuksien analyyttinen jatkaminen on yleisesti esiintyvä mutta huonosti määritelty numeerinen ongelma, jota lähestytään tässä työssä maksimientropiamenetelmällä.Tärkeimmät laskennalliset tulokset ovat seuraavien yhden tai kahden elektronin systeemien polarisoituvuudet ja hyperpolarisoituvuudet: H, H2+, H2, H3+, HD+, He, He+, HeH+, Li+, Be2+, Ps, PsH, ja Ps2. Born–Oppenheimer-approksimaatiossa (BO) lasketut referenssitulokset vastaavat tunnettuja kirjallisuuden arvoja ja monessa tapauksessa myös täydentävät niitä. BO-approksimaation ulkopuolelta voidaan osoittaa mm. rovibraatiosta johtuvia heikkoja sekä voimakkaita lämpötilaefektejä. Muut tulokset käsittävät multipoli-spektrejä, dynaamisia polarisoituvuuksia sekä van der Waals-vakioita. Simulaatioiden kvanttimekaaninen kuvaus monen kappaleen korrelaatioista sekä elektronien ja ytimien ei-ediabaattisesta kytkennästä on poikkeuksellisen tarkka.This Thesis is a review of polarizability and different means to estimate it from pathintegral Monte Carlo (PIMC) simulations. Polarizability is the quantum mechanical equivalent of electric susceptibility: it describes the electric field response of atoms and molecules. The static and dynamic multipole polarizabilies are, arguably, the most important electronic response properties and multipurpose parameters for physical modeling. Computing them from first principles is challenging in many ways, and in this Thesis we focus on a few particular aspects: exact many-body correlations, nonadiabatic effects and thermal coupling. The Thesis contains an introduction to polarizability in the framework of nonrelativistic Feynman path integrals and thermal density matrices. The electric field interactions due to electric multipoles is associated with causal time-correlation functions and nonlinear response theory. The original scientific contribution manifests in various strategies to obtain the polarizabilities from PIMC simulations: we demonstrate finite-field simulations, static field-derivative estimators, and analytic continuation of imaginarytime correlation functions. The required analytic continuation of Matsubara frequencies is a common but ill-posed numerical challenge, which we approach with the Maximum Entropy method. For data, we provide the most important polarizabilities and hyperpolarizabilities of several one- or two-electron systems: H, H2+, H2, H3+, HD+, He, He+, HeH+, Li+, Be2+, Ps, PsH, and Ps2. Our benchmark simulations within the Born–Oppenheimer approximation (BO) agree with the available literature and complement it in many cases. Beyond BO, we are able to demonstrate weak and strong thermal effects due to, e.g., rovibrational coupling. We also estimate the first-order multipole spectra, dynamic polarizabilities and van der Waals coefficients. The simulations show unprecedented accuracy in terms of exact many-body correlations and fully nonadiabatic coupling of the electronic and nuclear quantum effects

    Software product lines and variability modeling : A tertiary study

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    Context: A software product line is a means to develop a set of products in which variability is a central phenomenon captured in variability models. The field of SPLs and variability have been topics of extensive research over the few past decades. Objective: This research characterizes systematic reviews (SRs) in the field, studies how SRs analyze and use evidence-based results, and identifies how variability is modeled. Method: We conducted a tertiary study as a form of systematic review. Results: 86 SRs were included. SRs have become a widely adopted methodology covering the field broadly otherwise except for variability realization. Numerous variability models exist that cover different development artifacts, but the evidence is insufficient in quantity and immature, and we argue for better evidence. SRs perform well in searching and selecting studies and presenting data. However, their analysis and use of the quality of and evidence in the primary studies often remains shallow, merely presenting of what kinds of evidence exist. Conclusions: There is a need for actionable, context-sensitive, and evaluated solutions rather than novel ones. Different kinds of SRs (SLRs and Maps) need to be better distinguished, and evidence and quality need to be better used in the resulting syntheses. (C) 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc.Context: A software product line is a means to develop a set of products in which variability is a central phenomenon captured in variability models. The field of SPLs and variability have been topics of extensive research over the few past decades. Objective: This research characterizes systematic reviews (SRs) in the field, studies how SRs analyze and use evidence-based results, and identifies how variability is modeled. Method: We conducted a tertiary study as a form of systematic review. Results: 86 SRs were included. SRs have become a widely adopted methodology covering the field broadly otherwise except for variability realization. Numerous variability models exist that cover different development artifacts, but the evidence is insufficient in quantity and immature, and we argue for better evidence. SRs perform well in searching and selecting studies and presenting data. However, their analysis and use of the quality of and evidence in the primary studies often remains shallow, merely presenting of what kinds of evidence exist. Conclusions: There is a need for actionable, context-sensitive, and evaluated solutions rather than novel ones. Different kinds of SRs (SLRs and Maps) need to be better distinguished, and evidence and quality need to be better used in the resulting syntheses. (C) 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc.Context: A software product line is a means to develop a set of products in which variability is a central phenomenon captured in variability models. The field of SPLs and variability have been topics of extensive research over the few past decades. Objective: This research characterizes systematic reviews (SRs) in the field, studies how SRs analyze and use evidence-based results, and identifies how variability is modeled. Method: We conducted a tertiary study as a form of systematic review. Results: 86 SRs were included. SRs have become a widely adopted methodology covering the field broadly otherwise except for variability realization. Numerous variability models exist that cover different development artifacts, but the evidence is insufficient in quantity and immature, and we argue for better evidence. SRs perform well in searching and selecting studies and presenting data. However, their analysis and use of the quality of and evidence in the primary studies often remains shallow, merely presenting of what kinds of evidence exist. Conclusions: There is a need for actionable, context-sensitive, and evaluated solutions rather than novel ones. Different kinds of SRs (SLRs and Maps) need to be better distinguished, and evidence and quality need to be better used in the resulting syntheses. (C) 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc.Peer reviewe

    Akatemian jalkaväki: Lapsi, postdoc, pandemia - rakkautta ja rajoituksia

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    Kun Juhan esikoinen kohtasi isovanhempansa ensi kertaa, niin järkytyshän siitä syntyi. Päälle vuoden ikäisenä hän oppi juuri vierastamaan vartuttuaan koko pienen ikänsä eristyksillä toisella mantereella. Pandemia iski yllättäen kesken isän postdoc-kauden, ja pakotti rajoitteita meidän jokaisen elämään. Myös Kallen esikoinen syntyi maskipakon ollessa huipussaan. Hän oppii kuitenkin nopeasti erottamaan hymyt maskien takaa - lapsi sopeutuu häikäisevän nopeasti

    Installed base information utilisation in industrial service development and operations

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    This paper describes a systematic literature review conducted to determine how installed base information (IBI) is utilised in developing and operating industrial services. We found that the reviewed literature considers IBI useful and relevant for industrial service operations, and that it is mainly used to improve service quality and efficiency. However, it is evident that there is a shortage of empirical studies and further investigations that show concrete applications of IBI in different service activities. The existing research concentrates on particular contexts, such as preventive maintenance and asset management. The asset owner perspective is emphasised in the literature, but the use of IBI for service offerings, service contracts and service sales is rarely discussed. The literature indicates that many companies lack a holistic approach to IBI management, in general, and utilisation as a part of it. It is not uncommon for companies to build large databases, but fail to do accurate analyses based on the collected data.Peer reviewe

    Kidney function and nephrotoxic drug use among older home-dwelling persons with or without diabetes in Finland

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    Background Due to these changes in kidney function, aging kidneys are more prone to drug-induced impairments in renal properties. Diabetes has been associated with the declined kidney function and an elevated risk of renal failure. The aim of this study is to compare kidney function and potentially nephrotoxic drug use among home-dwelling older persons with or without diabetes. Methods A total of 259 persons with and 259 persons without diabetes and aged >= 65 years were randomly selected to participate in a health examination with complete data gathered from 363 individuals (187 with diabetes and 176 without diabetes). The estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) was calculated using CKD-EPI equation. Each participant was categorized based on the nephrotoxic profile of their medications. Results There were no differences in mean eGFR values (77.5 +/- 18.8 vs. 80.5 +/- 14.8 ml/min/1.73m(2), p = 0.089) or in the proportion of participants with eGFR <60 ml/min/1.73m(2) among persons with diabetes (16% vs. 10%, p = 0.070), compared to persons without diabetes. Potentially nephrotoxic drug use was similar between the groups. The mean number of potentially nephrotoxic drugs was 1.06 +/- 0.88 in those with and 0.97 +/- 1.05 in those without diabetes (p = 0.39). Conclusions The kidney function of older persons with diabetes does not differ from that of older persons without diabetes and furthermore potentially nephrotoxic drug use seem to play only a minor role in the decline in kidney function among home-dwelling persons in the Inner-Savo district.Peer reviewe

    Clinically relevant drug-drug interactions and the risk for drug adverse effects among home-dwelling older persons with and without type 2 diabetes

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    What is known and objective Polypharmacy and age are known to increase the risk for potential drug interactions. Type 2 diabetes has been associated with polypharmacy and several comorbidities. Currently, there is no information on whether the frequency of clinically relevant drug-drug interactions and the risk for drug adverse effects differ between older persons with and without diabetes. The aim of this study was to investigate the frequency of drug-drug interactions and the risk for drug adverse effects in these two groups in primary care. Methods The basic study population consisted of Finnish home-dwelling primary care patients aged >= 65 years (N = 3039). For each person with diabetes, two controls were selected with adjusted age and gender. To collect data, electronic primary care patient records, a structured health questionnaire and a structured health examination conducted by a physician were utilized. Using the SFINX-PHARAO (R) database, drug-drug interactions and the risk for drug adverse effects were evaluated in 182 persons with type 2 diabetes and 176 persons without diabetes. Results and discussion There were no significant differences in the frequency of drug-drug interactions or the risk for drug adverse effects in persons with and without diabetes. At least one clinically relevant interaction was found in 81 (44.5%) persons with diabetes and 73 (41.5%) persons without diabetes. The most common drugs causing interactions included non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and warfarin. What is new and conclusion There is no difference in the frequency of drug-drug interactions or risk for drug adverse effects in older home-dwelling persons with and without diabetes. Due to common comorbidities and commonly used drugs among persons with diabetes, drug-drug interactions involving warfarin or NSAIDs in particular should be carefully monitored to avoid drug adverse effects.Peer reviewe